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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Girls, are your boyfriend look alike your father?

I attend to a cousin's wedding last week. It was a great chance to gather all relatives from mainland and island. We gather and meet each other only once during CNY every year. Here there is another big occasion to gather all relatives. Well, it is great to see Lim's family member getting marry one by one continuously. Time passed like a rocket and we all grown up. It comes to another life stage. Time to have a partner and build a family. In previous time, cousin who are always play with me, today they have their own family. When relatives gather together, the hottest and the frequent asked question (and boring question to be answered) is "Do you have boyfriend?"

During chitchatting (instead of pak kua), we did mentioned one of my cousin whose boyfriend really look alike her father. Her boyfriend look like my uncle in physically. Almost same height, same body shape and i don't know how about the characteristic. Look alike from the back. He is the shadow of my uncle. Look at him, you will definitely look at my uncle. This is a saying according to my cousin who met him before. After that, my cousin threw me a question, "Next time you might find a boyfriend who looks like your father." "Then, how about you?" I asked back.

Girls, what do you think? Are your boyfriend look like your father? Or do you find your friend's boyfriend look like her father?? And will you accidentally find a boyfriend who look like your father? Accidentally I mean, who knows?

Father is always the "idol" for every son and daughter. He acts strict naturally. This cannot do, that cannot do. This is not good for you, this is good for you. That are all those things father always forbidden us. Maybe it is the effect of their biological male hormone. SInce childhood, father is always play a role in their children life. Is it the moral value that taught by father always be kept in mind for every daughter? She is used to dad's behaviour, atittude and all belongs to father. Whenever the time daughter chooses a partner, she might choose a partner who "smell" like her father? Hahaha... maybe I think too much.

Girls, give me some of your opinions, ok? Hope to hear from you soon. Welcome for guys' opinions too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its funny that i read this blog, because i was just telling my boyfriend that he reminds me of my dad. Ive heard that women tend to go for guys that act like their fathers.
great blog.

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